3 Days in Korea

Having spent 3 days in korea(most time in Seoul), I find that there are considerable japanophiles here. Although Japan occupied korea several decades before, it turns out not many Koreans hate japanese. So many Japanese stuff here, japanese resturants, Japanese signs everywhere, japanese TV channels, … I even got an enthusiastic help from three korean girls while I was trying to find a hotel in gumi. They told me that they thought I was japanese once.

The welcome sign to japanese tourist:

Korea is not as bad as someone said, and not as good as I image. It’s a developed country but still many vagrants and baggers sleeping in the numerous tunnels in the downtown of seoul. There are too many of them that make pedestrian very uncomfortable to cross the streets. It’s even worse when you have a baggage with you
Some pictures that I took during the stay.


However, I felt comfortable when I arrived the airport. Because many services are available in Chinese and the staff in the airport can provide Chinese service. Hopefully, it would be a better experience if I got a chance to visit Korea next time.

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